Mystery Pianist Sits Down At Public Piano And Stuns The Crowd

The YouTube account, “Life Goes On In Iran”, captured a video in 2018 during their visit to Russia that has later gone viral. In 2021, the video…

Why you should never kill a house centipede if you find one inside your house

Unfortunately, we recently discovered that killing a house centipede can actually be a risky choice. Centipedes often appear in dark, humid places. Often, one finds them in…

10-year-old boy raises more than $315,000 to provide bulletproof vests for police dogs

Fortunately, there are animal heroes all over the world that work to protect animals and better their lives. They should be held up and hailed for the…

“Aunt Jemima’s” great-grandson angry that her legacy is being scrapped

When Quaker Oats announced that their “Aunt Jemima” brand would be discontinued in light of the Black Lives Matter movement in 2020, it created quite a commotion….

cute girl

“The Most Hazardous Routes to School”: Difficult Paths Some Children Take to Reach School

Some kids face a tough and dangerous journey just to go to school. In a village called Gulu in China, kids have to walk on narrow paths…

The whole internet collaborated and couldn’t find what this is. I’m not sure what this is, ninety percent of people don’t know too…

Let’s take a stroll down memory lane and chat about something that might ring a bell from the good old days – dolly pegs. Remember those cute…

“Carlinville’s Time Capsule”: Exploring the Charming Sears Homes That Shaped Early 20th-Century America

Before internet shopping and quick deliveries, Americans had a different way of buying things. Huge catalogs were common in every home, offering a variety of items, including…

Serve says people who can’t afford to tip 20% “don’t deserve” to eat out at restaurants

Lillie addresses the camera at the beginning of her video, stating: “Eating out is a privilege, not a right. If you cannot afford to tip 20%, you…

77-year-old janitor who had never celebrated her birthday suddenly hears her name over a loudspeaker

“Rendell and Ms. Frances, could you please report to the cafeteria?” the loudspeaker requested, according to the Charleston Gazette-Mail. Frances assumed she was being called to complete a…