Heavily tattooed dad faces backlash as people think he is a horrible father – then his wife reveals the truth

Self expression is a fundamental part of being yourself. Tattoos are a wonderful way for people to be able to express themselves through art. 51-year-old Richard Huff…

Creepy! There’s a weird detail in this photo that’s freaking people out

Family pictures are commonplace: many moms and dads want to have official portraits of their families, so they get together, hire a professional photographer, and pose for the camera!…

Bullies mock her “disgusting” legs – then she takes a close-up and silences them

If you lose weight quickly, your skin doesn’t shrink down to your body’s new size but becomes loose instead. And that’s what happened to Jacqueline. As she…

Baby mocked for having white hair – years later, he looks perfectly happy and healthy

The infant’s eyes would move side to side and when her husband Dale ventured to Google the reason for this, he was met with a shocking revelation;…

Meet the world’s dirtiest man who did not shower for 67 years – his reason is shocking

Taking a shower or bathing is something that carries across cultures for most people. While people disagree with how many times a week one should shower, the…

Sam Neill reveals the truth about Robin Williams and it’s absolutely heartbreaking

In his memoir, Did I Ever Tell You This?, Neill recalled his experience working with Williams on Bicentennial Man (1999), and told how he developed a close friendships with the…

Rodeo star’s 3-year-old son dies two weeks after tragic river accident

Although he was initially declared brain dead and not expected to survive, the boy began showing signs of improvement. “LEVI WOKE UP! I am shook, we don’t…

24-year-old Bulgarian woman wants to have the biggest lips in the world

With hyaluronic acid lip injections, she’s gotten a huge pair of lips. Her life’s goal is to get to the biggest lips in the world. Now, according to…

Inside Tony Bennett’s New York apartment where he spent his last few years – he was in good spirits

“I Left My Heart In San Francisco” singer was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease in 2016, a fact which initially was not known to many people. The singer spent his…

Pregnant rescue dog gives birth to a litter of “baby cows”

When Rosie the golden retriever arrived at Neuse River Golden Retriever Rescue, she was pregnant and had a big tummy. The volunteers there were relieved that this…